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The Mysterious Ice Cream That Changed Colors

 It was the hottest day of summer when Elijah found the tiny ice cream stand tucked between two buildings. The sign read: "Magical Scoops—Try If You Dare!"

Elijah grinned. “One scoop, please!”

The vendor, a woman with twinkling eyes, handed him a single cone. “Enjoy the adventure.”

Elijah took a bite. The ice cream turned bright blue—and suddenly, he was floating! The wind whooshed around him as he soared over the park.

Another bite. Now it was green. Instantly, he could hear what the trees were whispering. "The lost treasure is near!" they murmured.

Excited, Elijah took a third bite. The ice cream flashed red. A loud ROAR shook the air, and a tiny dragon popped out of his cone!

“Hi! I’m Pep!” the dragon chirped. “Ready for some fun?”

Laughing, Elijah spent the afternoon soaring through the sky, talking to trees, and racing Pep through the clouds. But as the last bite melted on his tongue, he was back on the ground, the tiny stand gone.

He licked his fingers and grinned. Tomorrow, he’d be back. Who knew what flavors of adventure awaited?