Marina the mermaid loved exploring shipwrecks, searching for hidden treasures beneath the waves. But one day, disaster struck—the Tidekeeper’s Pearl vanished!
Without it, the ocean lost its rhythm. Waves crashed wildly, and stranded starfish piled up on the shore.
“The tides won’t calm without the pearl!” warned a frantic seahorse, darting in circles.
Determined to restore balance, Marina sought help from Ollie, a shy octopus who blushed and hid behind his own tentacles. Together, they followed clues to the Grotto of Greed.
Inside, they found a crab pirate, his claws curled possessively around his mountain of stolen treasures.
“Arrr, the pearl’s mine!” he snapped, his beady eyes gleaming.
Thinking fast, Ollie released a swirling cloud of ink, confusing the greedy crab. Marina lifted her shell flute and played a haunting whale song—the pirate’s greatest weakness!
The crab scuttled away, covering his ears, and Marina quickly grabbed the glowing pearl.
As they returned it to its rightful place, the sea stilled, waves softened, and the tides found their rhythm once more.
Ollie blinked in surprise as sea creatures cheered.
“Bravery isn’t about size,” Marina said with a proud grin. “It’s about heart.”