Zippy’s circuits whirred and clicked as he scanned the endless stretch of space. His solar-panel ears twitched, soaking up the starlight. He was always jittery—always buzzing with energy. But today, something felt… different.
A shadow drifted past the asteroids.
Zippy turned and saw Nova, a small alien with shimmering blue skin and hair that drooped like wilting vines. She cradled a shriveled flower in her hands.
"All plants are dying," Nova whispered, her voice barely louder than the hum of the stars.
Zippy’s metal heart pinged with worry.
“Then let’s find the Last Garden!” he beeped.
With a spark of determination, they blasted off, weaving through glowing nebulae and spiraling past supernovas. Asteroid mazes twisted around them, shifting like a cosmic puzzle.
A black hole loomed ahead, its dark swirl pulling everything into its hungry depths. Zippy’s circuits screamed with warning!
Nova grabbed his metal hand. “Full power, Zippy! We can do this—together!”
With a mighty thruster boost, they broke free, spiraling into the unknown.
At last, they reached a forgotten crater, glowing softly in the void. Inside, tiny luminescent seeds floated, pulsing like little heartbeats.
A singing comet twirled around them, its voice like a lullaby.
“Take them,” it hummed, “but plant them with kindness.”
Nova cupped the seeds gently, her eyes shining with hope. She scattered them across the barren planets, and with a single tear—life began to bloom.
Green vines unfurled. Flowers stretched toward the light. Deserts became jungles, and dead worlds breathed again.
Zippy’s circuits buzzed with joy. “You saved the galaxy!” he beeped.
Nova hugged him tight. “We saved it—together.”
And as they watched the stars twinkle with new life, they knew the truth:
Even the smallest green spark could reignite a universe.